Tropical Cyclone Jasper puts north Queensland region at risk
The Bureau of Meteorology says the region north of Mackay is currently at the highest risk of impact. Click to check the original article.
The Bureau of Meteorology says the region north of Mackay is currently at the highest risk of impact. Click to check the original article.
Producers to watch for bloat and pulpy kidney as dry pastures respond to recent rain events and warm soil temperatures Click to check the original article.
Patchy rain brings uncertain planting schedules and yields for central Queensland croppers. Click to check the original article.
Research shows variety choice can reduce the impact of SFNB and optimise economic returns in WA’s LRZ. Click to check the original article.
Federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek signing the Nature Repair Bill. Source: Tanya Plibersek Twitter THE Federal Government looks set to pass its Nature Repair Bill through the Senate after making a deal with the Greens to add further protections to water assets and not allow the program to be used as “biodiversity offsets”. Making a […]
Yarding 7653 Change +3650 Interim Report. Cattle numbers at Dalby more than doubled the previous weeks level to 7,653 head. Stock were drawn from a wide area with 95 head from Victoria 619 from New South Wales plus 326 from far Western Queensland. The balance of 6,613 from the usual local supply areas. Buyer attendance […]
Police are appealing for information after a number of cattle went missing from a pair of Northern Rivers properties. Click to check the original article.
Rainfall events over the past two weeks have been recorded over the eastern states, Northern Territory, eastern South Australia, and parts of Western Australia. Some storm events have recorded totals in excess of 100mm with a number of locations exceeding these totals. The Bureau of Metrology reports that November rainfall for the nation was 37.8% […]
AMIC general manager of industry affairs Tim Ryan. Photo: AMIC Tim Ryan leads the industry affairs team for the Australian Meat Industry Council, which represents processors, butchers and small goods suppliers. In this contributed article he argues that putting downward pressure on retail meat prices could have unintended consequences. RECENT commentary has […]
The 55,570ha Douglas South is situated in the highly regarded Douglas Daly region of the NT’s Top End, which is becoming a focal point for dryland and irrigated cotton cropping. A NEW South Wales grazing family has made a move into the Northern Territory property market, purchasing Douglas South in the middle of a prime […]
“Not deceptively similar”: McDonald’s Big Mac (left) and Hungry Jack’s Big Jack (right) McDonald’s has lost a three-year Federal Court fight against Hungry Jack’s in which it claimed the latter’s Big Jack and Mega Jack burgers infringed its Big Mac trademark. McDonald’s argued Hungry Jack’s deliberately adopted the Big Jack and Mega Jack marks for the purpose of […]
FUELLED by an injection of optimism since November’s widespread rain, there’s been a spectacular late 2023 season rally in Australian feeder steer prices over the past four weeks. Heavy flatback feeder steers that were being quoted in the paddock (ex Downs) at 230c/kg in the first week in November are today making around 330-335c/kg – […]