Patchy rainfall improves conditions at Sarina sale
Local buyers did battle in an increasingly optimistic market. Click to check the original article.
Local buyers did battle in an increasingly optimistic market. Click to check the original article.
A man has been flown to hospital following an accident on a North West property on Monday. Click to check the original article.
CATTLE prices across the eastern states have lifted considerably in the past fortnight on the back of moderate, but widespread storm rain. The benchmark Eastern Young Cattle Indicator has risen above 400c for the first time since September – after months of consistent downturn. It finished today at 408c/kg carcase weight, rising 40c/kg over the […]
Elders Roma agent Brady Jackson with heifers on sale at a weekly Tuesday Roma store sale DIVERSIFIED agribusiness service provider Elders has reported pre-tax earnings of $170.8 million and net profit of $100.8 million in its annual results released today, for the year ended 30 September. Pre-tax earnings were down 26pc from the previous financial […]
Welcome rain throughout the Scenic Rim created strong competition for quality lines of replacement steers and heifers. Click to check the original article.
The cup was won by Aheadofhistime. Click to check the original article.
Landscape with cattle on Bill Mitchell’s property, along Rockvale Road and east of Guyra. HOW do livestock producers, supply chains and markets respond to fast-emerging climate and policy realities? Through decades of global discussion about climate change and responses to it, the year 2050 has been posted as a deadline for implementing strategies. Suddenly, 2050 […]
He said a similar effort in the early 2000s, when his family first moved west, resulted in both his sons playing at senior levels and one of them, Sam now playing for Queensland Country, after representing GPS in the Brisbane A grade final two years ago. Click to check the original article.
Sam Turner during his January ICMJ tour As Australian sheep and goat producers prepare for mandated electronic identification by 2025, an opportunity has been identified further to position the Australian livestock industry’s traceability credentials ahead of one of its biggest global competitors. Australian Inter-Collegiate Meat Judging team member Sam Turner toured the United States in […]
Yarding 4426 Change +590 The Wagga cattle sale witnessed a notable surge in numbers to 4426, maintaining a fair to good quality yarding. There was a lot of weight in the offering with lighter weight stock in limited numbers. Notably, there was robust demand for secondary and well-finished cattle, with a prominent supermarket actively participating […]
Douglas Blain’s life has been devoted to rescuing old buildings and turning them into boutique hotels. Douglas Blain was five years of age when he took control of his life. “My favourite books were Winnie The Pooh and The Wind in the Willows so all I could do, to get to that world, was dig […]
Alan (Smithy) Smith can barely contain his excitement. He’s been showing Australian Country around the paddocks of Rosebank station where he lives with his wife, Sue. Suddenly he hits the brakes as he’s spotted an unfamiliar plant in the lee of one of the tussocks of Mitchell grass that make the sprawling plains around Longreach […]