Beekeepers could learn from livestock and turn to genetic testing
Genetic research and a united front could be key to building resilience in Australian bees. Click to check the original article.
Genetic research and a united front could be key to building resilience in Australian bees. Click to check the original article.
The substantial report, drafted in response to a motion voted on at a public meeting in late September, includes evidence supporting the position of local agents in managing the throughput of cattle at the yards. The report is critical of the council’s approach to the dispute, particularly its lack of willingness to discuss the changes […]
“So why not prioritise these remote locations over perhaps metropolitan or outer-city areas, because when you’re operating in a suburb of Perth you have back-up only a few kilometres away, but if, for example, your vehicle is located 500km from Port Hedland – well good luck.” Click to check the original article.
It has been a big month of outturning grain for WA’s main grain handler. Click to check the original article.
Queensland Cane, Agriculture & Renewables water committee chair and Clare cane grower Cy Kovacich said groundwater was rising from the underground aquifer in the Burdekin River Irrigation Area (BRIA) which covers 40,000 hectares (99,000 acres) and involves up to 400 farmers, the majority of whom are canegrowers. Click to check the original article.
Emergency services were called out on Monday morning. Click to check the original article.
Most weaners were cheaper than the last store sale at Maitland. Click to check the original article.
Footy fans from across the country showed their support of AFL Women’s competition when Hawthorn hosted the inaugural AFLW match in Cairns. Click to check the original article.
Moreton Beef Classic saw in excess of 700 head yarded for the annual show and sale. Click to check the original article.
‘It does feel like where I’m meant to be.’ Click to check the original article.
Cassius’ death sparked a national day of action across Australia, with rallies and vigils to express grief, anger, hurt and solidarity with his loved ones. Mechelle, still grieving the recent death of her husband Sam, led the march in Perth. She gave a powerful speech about her son, calling for calm and non-violence – and […]
Producers have warned the increased access would not replace the live sheep export industry that services the region Click to check the original article.