Indonesian suspension caused 'limited impact' at Dalrymple
A report has outlined the impact that Indonesia’s live export suspension had on Dalrymple Saleyards in Charters Towers. Click to check the original article.
A report has outlined the impact that Indonesia’s live export suspension had on Dalrymple Saleyards in Charters Towers. Click to check the original article.
“There’s not much point saying we can give you a job but put your tent up.” Click to check the original article.
A Central West producer has had three stillborn lambs at the end of the lambing period. Click to check the original article.
My assessment is that according to their projections for many areas, we will be able to cope with these climate predictions should they be correct. Click to check the original article.
Sometimes, gardening on chalk feels like an unfair challenge, says Charles Quest-Ritson — but there are some beauties which will make it all worthwhile. I garden on chalk. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t. It’s not only rhododendrons, camellias and magnolias that are a complete no-no. Time and again, I find a lily or an iris, a […]
Riverbend Poll Dorset and Border Leicester stud principal Chris Patmore (left), Eneabba, Elders Mingenew agent Ross Tyndale-Powell and Nutrien Livestock, Wongan Hills wool and livestock representative Grant Lupton. Representing long-time Riverbend buyers AN Rose & Co, Busselton, Mr Lupton was the volume buyer of nine Poll Dorset rams paying to the sale’s $1100 top ram […]
Having a pair of dogs can be great fun — but it can also cause problems if they prompt bad behaviour in each other. Ben Randall explains how to handle this situation. As many owners will attest, having a dog can be addictive. It’s common for people to end up with more than one, whether adding […]
“It’s planted at a high rate to account for irrigation – we took the gamble that we were going to have the water or get a bit of rain to help us out. We haven’t had anything yet and it is a big thick to handle dry weather so I’m a bit nervous about that, […]
North Coast National champion of champions was awarded to the Bennett family, Little Valley at Stratheden. The stud cattle that decided that nomination included their champion Braford female, the 37 month old Little Valley Natasha parading with her seven-month old heifer calf, along with their breed-champion male, the junior bull Riverton 488, nine months, bought […]
This year, two connected institutions in the heart of London — St Bartholomew’s Hospital and St Bartholomew’s Church — celebrate their 900th anniversary. In the second of two articles, John Goodall looks at their foundation story. Photographs by Will Pryce For Country Life. St Bartholomew’s — or Barts, as it is familiarly known — celebrates […]
The Chinchilla Grandfather Clock Campdraft was held at the weekend. See who was there! Click to check the original article.
From Walcha, NSW these 130 Angus heifers 12-13 months averaging 301kg offered in two lines returned 163c and 166c/kg and will travel to buyers near Walla Walla, NSW and Tottenham, NSW. A further 62 lighter sisters 267kg made 165c/kg. A larger 8630 head offering on AuctionsPlus last week was met with reduced competition, as most […]