PB Fenech bull and female on-property sale photos
See who was at the 2023 PB Fenech bull sale. Click to check the original article.
See who was at the 2023 PB Fenech bull sale. Click to check the original article.
FREE: Make a cuppa, grab your morning tea and take a seat – it’s time for the weekly AgsQuiz. Click to check the original article.
After almost three decades in the Hunter Valley, where they raised a family and ran their own organic vineyard, winery and cellar door, Macquariedale, the couple made what they describe as a ‘monumental’ decision in 2018 to pack up and start again in Orange. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
‘His best friend Gladys was a part of the deal too.’ Click to check the original article.
This unique Lincolnshire property and key Boston landmark houses eight bedrooms, a flour business and café. Maud Foster Windmill is one of Boston’s most well-known landmarks, and it has been listed on the market, complete with its Mill House and thriving flour business for £998,800. The windmill and house, built in 1819 for Isaac and […]
Jennifer Carrico, Wallaces Farmer, talks about what Tom Vilsack had to say at a recent Iowa meeting, including farm labor. In the cab, Kyle Chestnut, farmer, Boone County, Iowa, talks about the soybean harvest and which variety their farm planted this year, as well as disease issues. Joe Camp, Commstock Investments, joins Mike at the […]
The sunny, yet wet summer might have been a dampener at the time, but the resulting autumnal berry haul is a feast for mice and men, says John Lewis-Stempel. From holly in the field hedge to guelder rose at woodland’s edge, from rowan on the moor to buckthorn beside the shore, the land is bursting […]
The AWI National Shearing and Wool Handling Championships this weekend attracting hundreds of people from near and far through the gates at Jamestown, SA. Click to check the original article.
Steer auctioned off to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund for type 1 diabetes Click to check the original article.
Judith Maizey has worked as a journalist and communications specialist for more than 30 years mostly throughout Queensland including Townsville, Longreach, Emerald, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Brisbane. Working for the North Queensland Register, she is always up for a chat and loves a good story. Contact 0417 546 616. E: [email protected] Judith Maizey has worked as […]
Forbes Boer goat producer Paul Ormsby and his stud Mugambi are just now able to fill export orders after last year’s floods put a halt on the operation. Click to check the original article.