Man airlifted to hospital after car crashes into pub verandah
The 73-year-old man had been sitting out the front. Click to check the original article.
The 73-year-old man had been sitting out the front. Click to check the original article.
It’s a worry when trading in a company’s shares remains suspended for months. Click to check the original article.
The show is entertaining, engaging, interactive and family-friendly, and consists of one hour Katherine Outback Experience Show of real horse training and working dog demonstrations, and an hour and half of live music by Tom Curtain and Chris Matthews. Click to check the original article.
One final step is left for the State’s 1972 Aboriginal Heritage Act to be re-instated. Click to check the original article.
A former volunteer firefighter, Alison has covered many emergency incidents and natural disasters including significant bushfires and floods, their impact on rural and remote communities and the extraordinary effort by locals involved in providing rescue, resilience and recovery efforts. Click to check the original article.
Lockerbie has an excellent pasture mix including natives such as red grass, Kentucky blue grass, rye grass, barley grass, plains grass with native trefoil clovers, in addition to improved species such as phalaris, cocksfoot, Haifa white clover, lucerne and premier digit. Click to check the original article.
“Now my question is how many people, who are in the upper echelons and more financially well off councils, would stand for elections knowing they would give away their life for four years, seven days a week, 24 hours a day for $38,000 because that’s what a level one councillor is expected to do,” he […]
AN important recent regulatory change removing the requirement for veterinary prescription to access a popular cattle vaccine will pave the way for greater protection against respiratory disease. Previously, only veterinarians could prescribe and supply Zoetis’ Rhinogard IBR vaccine, via an S4 classification under the national Scheduled Medicines Act. That has recently changed, with Rhinogard IBR […]
Hundreds of new nests have been detected since June, while earlier this year a fire ant queen from Queensland was intercepted in Victoria. Click to check the original article.
When Steph Allen is not enjoying her beach-side town of Seaforth or kicking back around a campfire, she is busy finding the stories that matter to rural North Queensland. Click to check the original article.
Meanwhile, a boycott by livestock agents has seen the structure lie idle since the start of this financial year, with the controlling authority Richmond Valley Council now seeking long-term lease arrangements with a private party, “setting the facility up for its next phase of growth and operations, with the forthcoming open tender leasing opportunity”. Click […]
Meet Mel Ready, the teacher who is inspiring the next generation to follow their passion in the world of agriculture. Click to check the original article.