Grazing and grain property with crop remains on the market
Negotiations are continuing on the quality 2128 hectare grazing and farming property Cooraki after it was passed in at auction. Click to check the original article.
Negotiations are continuing on the quality 2128 hectare grazing and farming property Cooraki after it was passed in at auction. Click to check the original article.
Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, vows to support Isa. Click to check the original article.
The McCormacks measure the positive outcomes of the applied sustainable farming practices, wildlife corridors, and shelterbelts against the improved animal welfare outcomes, higher sheep and lamb survival rates during lambing, the environmental impact, and aesthetic improvement to the landscape. Click to check the original article.
Mike Pearson tells us how inflation may be getting better. Food price inflation is a hot topic for anyone buying food. The 20-year average for inflation is 1.7 percent annual. In 2021, it hit 1.9 percent and hit hard at 8.9 percent in 2022. The prices for red meat, eggs and bread spiked that year […]
“The independent expert panel…was tasked with identifying positive solutions in relation to native vegetation management as well as providing recommendations for improvement,” a government media release said. “The panel found that, while the Queensland government’s approach to sustainably managing native vegetation is strong, there are opportunities for improvement.” Click to check the original article.
See who attended the Central West Young Aggies Race Day. Click to check the original article.
“When we were blanket spraying, we would never put the full label rate of chemical out because of the cost, but when spot spraying, you can put that full rate out knowing you are saving anyway, and that weed will be dead after you have sprayed it – there’s no coming back from it,” he […]
In a continuing national trend, a Northern Territory cattle company, its director and another manager have been charged with safety offences which could see them spend time in prison. The charges arise from work completed by two station hands who were tasked with fencing duties. One was operating a tractor with a post driver, while […]
“The government needs to work to ensure Mount Isa remains a thriving regional town for the sake of local workers, businesses, agriculture, mining and indigenous communities who rely on this important centre in Northern Australia for supplies, schooling, healthcare, air travel and employment.” Click to check the original article.
GDL Roma Agent & Auctioneer, Geoff Maslen, pictured with Khan, Gary & Kerry Ladbrook. The Ladbrook family of “Bulah” Yuleba, sold 200 EU Brangus Heifers to a top of 190.2c/kg to average 168c/kg for a weight of 265kg, averaging $447/head. Yarding 3659 Change +937 Cattle were drawn from NSW the local supply area and […]
A new ‘environmental module’ proposed by the farm-assurance scheme Red Tractor has drawn heavy criticism from farmers. James Fisher reports. The scheme — announced last week and known as the Green Farm Commitment (GFC) — will enable ‘farmers to make commitments and track their own progress across five key areas for environmentally focused farming: carbon […]
“The government needs to work to ensure Mount Isa remains a thriving regional town for the sake of local workers, businesses, agriculture, mining and indigenous communities who rely on this important centre in Northern Australia for supplies, schooling, healthcare, air travel and employment.” Click to check the original article.