Prepare now, ahead of bushfire season
Risks are still high in an “average” fire season. Click to check the original article.
Risks are still high in an “average” fire season. Click to check the original article.
The first-ever Top Of The Range working dog auction showcased the efforts of local breeders with far-ranging appeal. Click to check the original article.
Sally Gall Senior journalist – Queensland Country Life/North Queensland Register Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and helped develop a region – its history, tourism, education and communications. Based at Blackall, CW Qld, where I’ve raised a family, run Merino sheep and beef cattle, and […]
The 15 sons of US sire Mr. 4F Accelerator 7/6, who topped the list of top producing sires domestically in 2022, sold to a top of $27,500 for lot 391, Nicneil Eliminator, and an average price of $12,100, which surpassed the overall sale average price of $10,416. Click to check the original article.
Focus on fine micron and fleece cut at Tallawong Click to check the original article.
The third national survey of pests and weeds shows 85 percent land managers spent on average around $21,950 in 2022 on pest and weed species management. Executive Director of ABARES Dr Jared Greenville said the results of the 2022 ABARES pest animal and weed management land manager survey demonstrates that the level of commitment required […]
A strong cold front and a low pressure system with an associated rainband impacted southern and south-eastern Australia during the week. This resulted in widespread rainfall totals greater than 10 mm in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania and south-eastern Queensland. This system also produced heavy rainfall totals greater than 25 mm across large […]
More than 2000 cattle that were aboard a vessel that experienced an engine room fire soon after departing Darwin last week have been successfully reloaded onto another ship which is now sailing to Indonesia. The Brahman Express was just underway from Darwin with 3600 cattle last Wednesday when the engine room fire was detected. The […]
MOST direct consignment slaughter cattle grids continued their downwards trajectory this week, pushing prices into realms unseen since 2015. Many processors are now heavily booked with slaughter cattle until early November with a price attached, and rapidly filling with unpriced space-only slots through to Christmas closures. Adding further to seasonal turnoff-driven congestion was the fact […]
The top-priced ram went to a return buyer of close to 50 years. Click to check the original article.
Zach Rolfe asks coroner to recuse herself due to 'bias' Click to check the original article.
The top-priced ram went to a return buyer of close to 50 years. Click to check the original article.