Top vendor averages on final day of Rockhampton Brahman Week Sale
Top vendor averages on final day of Rockhampton Brahman Week Sale Click to check the original article.
Top vendor averages on final day of Rockhampton Brahman Week Sale Click to check the original article.
The red bulls took the 2023 sale to a new level on day three. Click to check the original article.
Buyer demand was strong as hughie sent down rain during the sale. Click to check the original article.
With the grand champion interbreed calf, Angus heifer Tullibardine Fiona U68 were judges Ted Laurie, Knowla Livestock Angus, Moppy, New South Wales, Kerrie Sutherland, Thologolong Murray Grey and Angus, Albury, New South Wales and Hayden Green, Summit Livestock Angus, Limousin and Black Simmental, Uranquinty, New South Wales, with Tullibardine farm manager Morgan Gilmour and daughter […]
Cloncurry Shire Council, in line with their 2021-2026 Corporate Plan, is responding to this call to action by progressing a number of projects and initiatives that will build new housing, increase the availability of land for continued investment in housing and accommodation, and reduce barriers to investing in both new and infill developments. Click to […]
Julia Creek’s biggest weekend of the year has gone off with a bang, the town celebrating the 10th anniversary of it’s Big Weekend. Click to check the original article.
Show secretary Sandra Webb was ‘thrilled with how it has turned out this year’. Click to check the original article.
THE Federal Government has proposed changes to superannuation tax concessions making people with more than $3m in their super accounts losing some of their tax breaks. Treasurer Jim Chalmers released the bill today, which will be open for consultation until October 18, saying that it will not have a big effect on the country. “The […]
Feed Central managing director Tim Ford. HAY prices look like they will remain high for this year, with plenty of demand on the export and domestic markets. National hay marketer Feed Central has put the call out to grain growers to consider bailing crops, with a forecast high demand for hay straw through 2024. While […]
MOST of Australia received little to no rain during the week. A large number of Bureau stations had their lowest September rainfall on record. Slow moving thunderstorms brought isolated high totals in the Northern Rivers district in New South Wales on the 28th. Weekly totals greater than 15 mm were recorded in south-west Tasmania, coastal south-west […]
Yarding 3981 Change -592 Cattle were once again drawn from NSW Far Western Queensland and the local supply area. Most backgrounders and lotfeeders were in attendance and selective in purchasers. However not all processors were active. Yearling steers back 10c to 20c with the heifer portion 20c to 30c/kg cheaper. Also store condition cows could […]
Buffel grass pasture affected bydieback. Note the dead patch (left of photo)surrounded by well-grown buffel grasswithout any other grass species. Pasture dieback: Outcomes from seven years of DAF research, development and extension across Queensland. Join us for a free webinar on Oct 24, 2023 at 12:30 PM AEST. Over the last seven years the Department […]