Fresh calls for Gov't live export ban rethink
President of Australian Livestock and Property Agents Peter Cabot believes the federal governments sheep live export ban has decimated confidence in the industry. Click to check the original article.
President of Australian Livestock and Property Agents Peter Cabot believes the federal governments sheep live export ban has decimated confidence in the industry. Click to check the original article.
Roger and Jenny Underwood, Wallace Vale and Eversleigh Droughtmaster studs, Wallumbilla, have been the top bidders at the last three Valera Vale sales but this year they bought the second-top bull, outlaying $20,000 for 22157M, a 23-month-old homozygous polled bull. Click to check the original article.
Rams sold to buyers from NSW, Victoria and South Australia. Click to check the original article.
Top-priced bull Bongongo T382, selling for $22,000 to Longaroo Pastoral, Yass woth Elders stud stock agent Lincoln McKinlay, Chris, Bridget, Edward and Tracey Longley, Longaroo Pastoral, Georgia Graham, Poppy Stapleton and Bill Graham, Bongongo Angus. Picture by Helen De Costa. Click to check the original article.
Learn more about the Farm Business Resilience Program here https://bit.ly/3lGBhVl The Farm Business Resilience Program is … Click to check the original.
Mike Pearson examines African Swine Fever across the globe and what is being done to stop it from hitting the shores of the United States. The USDA APIS has declared Oct. 2-6 African Swine Fever Week. The disease has never been detected in the United States and the hope is that by educating hog producers […]
More recently, expected production in major exporters of Canada, Argentina, and here in Australia have declined, yet we haven’t seen a response in the historical benchmark for global wheat prices, Chicago Board of Trade (CBoT) wheat futures, which remains near contract lows. Click to check the original article.
WHEN it comes to supply and demand, the rural property market appears to have done a complete backflip this year, with listings now outstripping buyers. This week, three industry experts give their views on the current state of play under tough cattle prices and seasonal conditions, and what’s ahead. LAWD director Col Medway said every […]
“The former government increased coastal harvestable rights before completing the rigorous assessments needed to properly understand what impact this change could have on town water supplies, the environment, other water users and downstream industries,” Ms Jackson said. Click to check the original article.
Queensland DAF Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey: … Click to check the original.
Repeat buyers supported the Wells and Heath families at Willandra. Click to check the original article.
Repeat buyers supported the Wells and Heath families at Willandra Click to check the original article.