How this cattle operation got set for El Nino
Here are the big levers that account for 75pc of profitability. Click to check the original article.
Here are the big levers that account for 75pc of profitability. Click to check the original article.
Finley High School most successful exhibitors, reigning champions at Melbourne Royal. Click to check the original article.
An infestation of rats are tearing across the Herbert sugarcane region, causing millions of dollars in crop damages. Click to check the original article.
The radical idea was the subject of an AgriFutures study, which investigated if kangaroos could be farmed as a low-carbon source of red meat. Click to check the original article.
Kelly is the Agricultural Digital Editor for ACM Agri, covering Queensland Country Life, The Land, Farmonline, Stock Journal, Stock & Land, Farm Weekly and the North Queensland Register. Kelly is the Agricultural Digital Editor for ACM Agri, covering Queensland Country Life, The Land, Farmonline, Stock Journal, Stock & Land, Farm Weekly and the North Queensland […]
The definitive list of Australian agriculture’s record price breakers. Click to check the original article.
Beekeepers respond to the NSW government’s decision to move from eradication to management for Varroa mite. Click to check the original article.
Sulphur is vital for plant growth. Click to check the original article.
A single meeting between Graham Stuart Thomas and Gertrude Jekyll shaped the career and thinking of the ‘greatest gardener ever’, says Charles Quest-Ritson. But at what cost? Graham Stuart Thomas — perhaps the greatest gardener ever — was for many years gardens adviser to the National Trust. It was not his only career, because he […]
Much like the quality of rams, bidding remained consistent. Click to check the original article.
A group of women is finding the extraordinary within the ordinary as they embark on a project to future-proof Australia’s country history. Click to check the original article.
John Goodall tells the story of how a stable was replaced by a splendid Regency seat to create Spetchley Park, Worcestershire, the home of Henry and Kate Berkeley. Photographs by Paul Highnam for Country Life. On May 3, 1811 — a little over two weeks before his 18th birthday and almost exactly 200 years to […]