Maternal traits and eating quality key for buyers at New Armatree
More than 50 per cent of the lots sold went to online bidders. Click to check the original article.
More than 50 per cent of the lots sold went to online bidders. Click to check the original article.
The Simmons family has once again came away from the Narranmore Poll Dorset sale at Elong Elong, near Dunedoo, with the top-priced ram. Click to check the original article.
Other strong supporters averaging more than $2000 for teams of two or more head were King Farming, Calingiri, four Quailerup West rams (three Polls and one Merino) at a $2450 average; Brockham Stud, Lake Grace, one Eastville Park Poll and five Quailerup West Polls at a $2183 average; T & L O’Driscoll & Sons, Grass […]
This video provides tips for extension officers to assess options for treatment systems on farm to implement best management … Click to check the original.
“It’s been a true collaboration between Landcare Australia, Country Road, Cotton Australia, our biodiversity specialists and our farmers, and everyone has brought something different to the table, which has created a great opportunity for achieving a lot and learning along the way,” she said. Click to check the original article.
If the Minns Government was not sure what the response would be to proposed exploration licences for coal seam gas in The Piliga and Liverpool Plains, more than 2000 outraged voices outside parliament today would have let it know. Click to check the original article.
Julia Lloyd George makes pieces which are ideal for marking special occasions, whether you’re buying from her studio or commissioning a bespoke piece as a gift For generations families have chosen to mark life’s significant moments by exchanging special pieces of jewellery. Milestone birthdays, graduations, weddings and anniversaries or the birth of a child are […]
PCYC Queensland CEO, Phil Schultz, said they appreciated the investment demonstrated Queensland Police Service (QPS) and the government’s commitment to driving early intervention initiatives through “prevention, intervention, and diversionary programs”. Click to check the original article.
Ashbank buyers after post-weaning-weights and eye muscle Click to check the original article.
Prices topped at $11,500 for a semen share in a Lewisdale stud Poll Merino ram at the 60th anniversary Lewisdale Poll Merino stud on-property ram sale at Stud Park, Wickepin, on Saturday. With the August shorn 2021-drop ram were Brodie Lang (left), AWN Livestock, Tambellup/Katanning, Andrew Kitto, Dyson Jones, Wickepin/Newdegate, Lewisdale stud principal Ray Lewis, […]
Judith Maizey has worked as a journalist and communications specialist for more than 30 years mostly throughout Queensland including Townsville, Longreach, Emerald, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Brisbane. Working for the North Queensland Register, she is always up for a chat and loves a good story. Contact 0417 546 616. E: [email protected] Judith Maizey has worked as […]
Following the hardships of recent years, a new Disaster and Emergency Incident Plan has been launched by North West Hospital and Health Services (HHS) to keep staff safe, while delivering high quality health services. Click to check the original article.