Bald Rock's proven history of cattle production
Signature 941 hectare Tenterfield district property Bald Rock has a proven history of cattle production. Click to check the original article.
Signature 941 hectare Tenterfield district property Bald Rock has a proven history of cattle production. Click to check the original article.
The Mount Isa Police would like to remind members of the community of the best ways to communicate with them. Click to check the original article.
Julie and Jeremy Shaw with their son Leo at today’s Roma Sale. Photo: Brad Neven A LARGE run of Angus heifers auctioned at the Roma Saleyards this morning has defied the declining cattle market, averaging $1518/head and topping at $1900. The Shaw family, from Injune-based JS Grazing, hold an annual weaner sale at the Roma […]
AUSTRALIAN Agricultural Co shares took a significant hit yesterday, falling seven percent on a day of particularly active sell-downs. Either directly or indirectly, the stock’s performance appears to be related to the deterioration in the cattle market and flat international beef trading conditions. AA Co shares closed at $1.35 yesterday, down 10c on the […]
AUSTRALIAN beef exports in August have hit a three-and-a-half year high, driven mostly by rapidly deteriorating seasonal conditions forcing more cattle to market. Not since December 2019 – 44 months ago, towards the end of the continental scale drought – have monthly beef exports been this large. Total beef exports to all destinations last month […]
Maximizing muscle growth and genetics help beef cattle producers grow quality products in an economical way, and now researchers with the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture are seeking to understand how feed efficiency could further enhance beef production. Phillip Myer, associate professor of animal science, is leading a team funded by the Tennessee Beef […]
Stockyard Beef has taken home a top award at this year’s event. Click to check the original article.
A pen of White Suffolk-sired second cross lambs judged the winning heavyweight pen and champion pen at the TLSAA Spring lamb show and feature sale Click to check the original article.
The former Chalumbin Wind Farm has been renamed Wooroora Station Wind Farm, after its host property Wooroora Pastoral Station, a large cattle-grazing property, and has undergone a drastic redesign in response to concerns about the visual and construction impacts on the property, which is located next to national parks that form part of the Wet […]
Relative weekly exchange rates against the US dollar, selected economies THE Australian dollar is expected to average US68 cents in 2023–24, relatively steady compared to the US67 cents in 2022–23, but 7 percent below the previous 5-year average, according to ABARES’ September quarter commodity outlook released today. Weaker than expected momentum in the Chinese […]
Malaysia has lifted its ban on Australian live cattle exports after being provided with test results proving Australia is still free of lumpy skin disease. Click to check the original article.
“It could also be argued that as cropping enterprises, particularly large-scale ones, increasingly diversify the variety of the grains, oilseeds and pulses they plant, they have a relative flexibility to adapt to changing market demands, trading conditions, and commodity price fluctuations,” it said. Click to check the original article.