Blog Post

My favourite painting: Claire German

Claire German of the Design Centre, Chelsea Harbour, chooses an incomparable Tudor portrait of one of the great men of his time: Holbein’s portrait of Thomas Cromwell. Claire German on ‘Thomas Cromwell’ by Hans Holbein the Younger ‘In a city as dense as New York, to have an unobstructed view of anything is a blessing […]

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Beef sales boom being seen in warehouse retailing sector

THERE are clear signs that the warehouse retail channel is having an extraordinary run at present across Eastern Australia, providing an ideal platform to move large volumes of extremely well-priced beef being held in cold storage. Warehouse retail refers to large-scale ‘no-frills’ sites – often only cement floors and stainless steel benches – selling low-margin, […]

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Cattle company, director and manager charged after worker loses arm

RECKLESS conduct charges have been laid against a Queensland based cattle company and two of the company’s officers after a worker suffered a serious crush injury to their arm. According to NT WorkSafe two station hands were installing fence posts at Vermelha Station in the Katherine Region in November 2022. One worker was operating a […]

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Diesel prices at highest point this year as global demand increases

The Australian Institute of Petroleum’s national average diesel price. A COMBINATION of surging oil demand and a cut in supply from major producing countries has been blamed for diesel prices reaching their highest point this year. According to the Australian Institute of Petroleum, the national average diesel price finished last week at 215.3c at the […]

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Feedgrain Focus: North firms, gate shuts on Sep homes

Northern NSW east of the Newell Highway has some wheat crops with average yields in sight, like this crop of Sunmax at Pallamallawa, if rain arrives soon. Photo: Oscar Pearse PRICES for wheat and barley have firmed in the northern market this week, despite consumer locations drying up for growers with grain to sell ahead […]

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Trade at standstill as Indonesia announces more LSD infections

An additional eight Australian cattle have tested positive to lumpy skin disease after their arrival in Indonesia where the disease is widespread, the Federal Government confirmed yesterday. A file picture of an Indonesian calf with lumpy skin disease. The development, which comes despite extensive recent testing of 1000 cattle in Australia which found no trace […]

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DAFF vets taking “conservative approach” with live export cattle

THE Federal Department of Agriculture has confirmed that criteria for rejecting northern live export cattle with skin markings or blemishes is being strictly enforced by government vets when inspecting consignments in quarantine prior to export. While DAFF said the “conservative approach” to assessing cattle was within the scope of existing rejection criteria details in ASEL […]

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Murray Watt to meet with WA representatives on live sheep trade | Farm Weekly

More specifically, the group, which has members from Sheep Producers Australia, WAFarmers, WoolProducers Australia, the Western Australian Shearing Industry Association (WASIA) and the WA Livestock & Rural Transport Association (LRTA) hopes to highlight some of the detrimental flow-on effects Federal Labor’s policy will have on WA’s regional and rural communities. Click to check the original […]

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