Stud support at Samari Plains bull sale
Three red Brahman stud breeders were on hand to support the Wilson and Sweetland families for their first solo outing at the Roma saleyards. Click to check the original article.
Three red Brahman stud breeders were on hand to support the Wilson and Sweetland families for their first solo outing at the Roma saleyards. Click to check the original article.
There was a lot of interest in the judging of the 2023 SWS Stud Merino Breeders Ram of the Year, when 18 hoggets paraded before judges Rodney Kent, Kurrajong Park Merinos, Delungra, Rod Miller, Glenpaen Merino stud, Brimpaen, Victoria, and associate judge Lindsay Brown, Armidale. Click to check the original article.
University of Missouri Extension specialists urge producers to closely watch cattle grazing pastures with Johnson grass and other sorghum species. Cattle producers in several drought-stressed parts of Missouri have recently reported cattle deaths from suspected prussic acid or hydrocyanic acid (cyanide) poisoning, says Tim Evans, an MU Extension state specialist in animal health and veterinary […]
The CWA of NSW with NSW Farmers Association, Unions NSW, Lock the Gate, and Gomeroi elders will gather at Circular Quay and move through the City of Sydney to NSW Parliament House, where speakers will call for immediate action by the NSW government to cease all exploration and mining on the Liverpool Plains. Click to […]
Cattle were drawn from Gogango, Chinchilla, Wandoan, Mundubbera, Gayndah, Goomeri, Booubyjan, Murgon, Hervey Bay, Maryborough, Tiaro, Gin Gin, Rosedale, Miriam Vale, Bundaberg, Ubobo, Lowmead and all local areas. Click to check the original article.
STATE farm organisation New South Wales Farmers has laid out a plan for government to resolve the acute shortage of large animal veterinarians across regional Australia. The organisation has given evidence to the Inquiry into the Veterinary Workforce Shortage in New South Wales, highlighting the concerns of the agricultural sector and putting forward three solutions […]
Live-export trade by region (based on cattle square meters) THERE has been a marked shift in routes travelled by Australian-accredited livestock ships in the past year, analysis in Wellard’s latest annual report shows. The annual report drew attention to recent results from ongoing “route heatmap” analysis conducted by Wellard to monitor AMSA (Australia Maritime Safety […]
OPINION THE way Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Government are approaching cattle methane, is not the way scientists say methane should be treated. Decisions are being made that don’t align with how the natural world functions. Until now, no Ag organisation from NFF down has taken the time to investigate the science […]
Yarding 4763 Change -2381 File pic of Dalrymple Saleyards. Image: Charters Towers Regional Council Interim Report. The supply of stock at Dalby reduced by 2,381 head to 4,763. Cattle were drawn from a wide area with 918 from far Western Queensland and 278 from New South Wales with 3,567 from the local districts. Included in […]
The far eastern Wheatbelt received its first double-digit rainfall since the start of June. Click to check the original article.
There were 5206 cattle offered at Roma on Tuesday. Click to check the original article.
The road remains closed as crews try to retrieve the truck. Click to check the original article.