US yield movements a central focus
The US 10-year yields rose by 10.2 bps over the week and reached as high as 4.34 per cent. Click to check the original article.
The US 10-year yields rose by 10.2 bps over the week and reached as high as 4.34 per cent. Click to check the original article.
After 20 years, a popular event will return to Pingelly. Click to check the original article.
Last year’s sale achieved a top price of $91,000 for the Reid family, but the stud’s previous record price, of $100,000 came in 2020, paid for Talbalba Emperor PO43, a horned 953kg, 24-month-old, jointly sold to Graeme Newnham, Cara Park Herefords, Delungra, NSW, and Ant Baillieu, Yarram Park Herefords, Willaura, Victoria. Click to check the […]
Volume buyers supported a strong sale for Wirruna Poll Herefords. Click to check the original article.
“It’s a huge amount of data,” he said. “By modernising the historic data from the 1960s to the 1980s and linking it with the newly acquired seismic data, the program will provide a more detailed understanding of the basin’s resources and geological storage potential.” Click to check the original article.
Proceeds from the sale will help George Hassett’s fiancee and two one-year-old sons. Click to check the original article.
NSW DPI has detected Varroa is Riverina and Sunraysia regions. Click to check the original article.
Pavlova is always good. Now it’s even better. ‘Bursting with sweet, juicy goodness, apricots are the golden jewels of summer,’ says our kitchen garden cook Melanie Johnson. Below on this page you’ll find Melanie’s recipe for a rather outrageously good pavlova, but apricots can make all sorts of dishes sing. Tarte tatin, for example, can […]
Agents said the sale held up for steers, while heifers were cheaper. Click to check the original article.
2023 NABRC medalists, from right: Don Heatley, Home Hill; Jon Condon, Beef Central; Bernie English, QDAF; Col Paton, consultant; Chris Gardiner, James Cook University; Kylie Hopkins, QDAF Click on image for a larger view Two highly respected extension experts have been awarded the first-ever North Australia Beef Research Council Lifetime Achievement Medals, during the Northern […]
New LEXION harvesters in Esperance are destined for farms in the cropping area to the east of Esperance, as far north as Salmon Gums and as far west as Lake King and West River. Click to check the original article.
They were met with a full panel of buyers and all meatworks were in attendance. Click to check the original article.