The March 2022-drop sire is by GAR Phoenix and out of Quanden Springs Vanilla Lass R32 with EBVs of +7.9 calving ease direct (CE Dir), -5.8 gestation length (GL), +2.9 birthweight (BWT), +66, +123, +156 for 200, 400 and 600-day weights, +143 mature cow weight (MCW), +14 for milk, +4.4 scrotal size (SS), -5.5 days to calving (DTC) +95 carcase weight (CWT), +5.5 eye muscle area (EMA), -3.4 and -4.0 for rib and rump fats, +1.2 retail beef yield (RBY), +1.3 intramuscular fat (IMF), +0.31 net feed intake (NFI-F) and +33 for docility (DOC).