Blog Post

Roma sale 14 Nov 2023: Prices improve with lift in quality

Yarding 4056 Change +2376

Cattle were drawn from far Western Queensland and the local supply area.

The regular processors operating as well as feedlotters and backgrounders.

A lift in the quality improved prices considerably.

Light weight yearling steers under 200kg made to 324c to average 288c/kg.Yearling steers 200 to 280kg topped at 322c to average 307c/kg. Yearling steers 280 to 330kg averaged 296c topping at 326c with an increase of 40c/kg. Yearling steers 330 to 400kg returning to the paddock made to 312c to average 280c/kg. Yearling steers 400 to 480kg to feed averaged 255c and…

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