Blog Post

Roma sale 9 Jan 2024: Market opens on higher rates

Yarding 2713 Change -4666

Cattle were drawn from Cunnamulla, Western Qld, and the local supply district.

All the regular buyers in attendance and active with some additional operators.

The market lifted in price for most descriptions with cows noticeably dearer.

Light weight yearling steers under 200kg returning to the paddock made to 460c to average 444c/kg. Yearling steers 200 to 280kg sold well to 472c to average 391c/kg. Yearling steers 280 to 330kg averaged 391c topping at 452c/kg. Yearling steers 330 to 400kg sold from 354c to 400c to average 382c/kg. Yearling steers 400 to 480kg…

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