Blog Post

Roma store sale 9 Apr 2024: Stronger demand for heavier categories

Yarding: 3635 Change: +2405

With clear blue skies Roma Agents penned 3,635 head an increase of 2,405 on the previous sale.

Cattle were drawn from NSW and SA along with the normal supply districts.

The yarding consisted of more weight which improved average prices.

The heavier categories experienced stronger demand.

Yearling steers 200 to 280kg selling to 452c to average 368c/kg. Yearling steers 280 to 330kg made to 420c and the 330 to 400kg improved by almost 62c selling to 382c to average 361c/kg. Steers over 400kg sold to 362c with an increase of 24c/kg.

Yearling heifers 200 to 280kg…

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