Blog Post

National Irrigators Council chairman Jeremy Morton discusses Murray Darling Basin Plan and Graham Forbes chats fresh milk prices

National Irrigators Council chairman and southern NSW farmer Jeremy Morton discusses potential water buybacks, permanent plantings and the outlook for irrigators. Gloucester NSW dairy farmer Graham Forbes leans in ‘Over the Fence’ to chat about fresh milk prices and how he’s working hard to extract the greatest margins. Click to check the original article.

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Milk2Market’s Richard Lange on opening milk prices

On this week’s episode of The Australian Ag Podcast, host James Wagstaff is joined by The Weekly Times dairy reporter Alex Sinnott. We chat all things milk, with the milk price expert, Richard Lange, from Milk2Market, including last weeks’ release of milk prices for the 2023/2024 milk season.  Click to check the original article.

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Weekly Times Coles Farmer of the Year, Nicole Saunders

Nicole Saunders and her husband Brendan jumped the ditch from New Zealand to Gippsland five years ago and have gone from dairy sharefarmers to farm owners, increasing turnover a whopping 10-fold in that time. The couple, who milk 1600 cows across three properties totalling 780 hectares, took out the top gong at The Weekly Times […]

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