Blog Post

Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 16 Elders Killara Feedlot

Location: Killara, Quirindi NSW

One-time capacity: 22,000 head

Annual turnoff: 65,000 head

2015 Top 25 position: 10; 2003 position: 5 (Killara and Charlton combined).


WHETHER it is reducing reliance on antibiotics, reducing emissions or finding new markets for cattle, Elders’ Killara feedlot has seen plenty of innovations in recent years.

The yard feeds cattle for a wide variety of markets, with about 45pc of its cattle on short-fed domestic programs, another 45pc on mid-fed brand programs and 5pc for long-fed Wagyu.

Based near Qurindi on the Liverpool Plains of New South Wales, its…

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