Blog Post

Top 25 Lotfeeders: No. 20 – ICM Peechelba Beef

Location: Peechelba Beef, Wangaratta VIC

One time capacity: 27,000 head (20,000SCU)

2022 cattle turnoff: 29,000 head

2015 Top 25 position: 12  2003 position: 6.

PEECHELBA Beef near Wangaratta is exclusively a custom-feeding operation, with the challenge of preparing and distributing up to 15 different rations each day to cater for its mix of cattle supplying both domestic and export beef markets.

Wagyu cattle comprise around half the feedlot’s inventory, with the balance split between trade cattle in for 60-70 days, and short to mid-fed cattle for 100-180 days. The Wagyu component is…

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