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Working dogs hit $27,000, average almost $9000 at Casterton auction

Dubbo-based contractor Kahlee O’Leary, left, with $27,000 Hazeldell Kimmy and new owners Lachlan and Ashley Meaburn.

CASTERTON’S 2022 Eukanuba Working Dog Auction has sold three Kelpies for $24,000-plus, including $27,000 for Dubbo stock contractor Kahlee O’Leary’s black and tan bitch Hazeldell Kimmy.

Kimmy was bought by two young Tasmanian farmers Ashley Meaburn, 20, and her 11 year-old brother Lachlan, for their business Ashlach Ag.

The AuctionsPlus-interface auction on Sunday conducted by Riverina agent James Tierney and Hamilton agent Bernie Grant sold 46 of the 49 dogs and…

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