Blog Post

Yass special weaner sale where prices were up with steers reaching $2420 | The Land

Sally Butt, Butt Livestock, with Steve and James Faulder, Yass, and their best presented heifers of 12 Angus heifers which sold for $1890

QUALITY was down but prices were up at the final special weaner sale of the season at SELX, Yass, today. All up, 3017 cattle were yarded and steers reached a top of $2420.

Ben Seaman, Elders, said the sale went better than expected with prices higher than recent sales, but lower quality cattle.

“It was $60 to $70 (a head) dearer than the last two sales,” he said.

“The quality was back a bit – it was a winter affected yarding compared to the last two sales.”…

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