The yarding consisted of 72 bulls averaging 355.2c selling to a top of 550.2c, eight bobby calves averaging 350.2c selling to a top of 350.2c, 193 cows averaging 276.3c selling to a top of 340.2c, 323 steers averaging 437.7c selling to a top of 618.2c, 170 heifers averaging 380.2c selling to a top of 500c, 110 yearling bulls averaging 541.9c selling to a top of 644.2c, 143 yearling heifers averaging 445.8c selling to a top of 522.2c, 216 yearling steers averaging 575.7c selling to a top of 718.2c, one cow and calf at $800, one cow and calf at $1900, four cows and calves at $2100, and two…