Blog Post

Young steer and heifer prices struggle in an oversupplied market

Among larger lines offered this week, these 128 Angus feeder steers in store condition 387kg at 14-20 months from Longreach, western Qld made 270c/kg or $1045.


AUCTIONSPLUS commercial cattle listings this week were stable at 9712 head, while clearance slipped 6 percentage points to 40pc.

Heifers mostly lost the gains of last week except the 280-330kg category, while steers also struggled in an oversupplied market.

Steers 200-280kg registered a larger offering of 1456 head and averaged 302c/kg, down 4c/kg on last week for a 62pc clearance. Prices ranged from 233-332c.

From Rolleston,…

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